Jobs with U.S. PIRG

U.S. PIRG is hiring graduating seniors!

You can find the job description here on the website.

Here at U.S. PIRG we believe in a safe, healthy environment, effective consumer protections in our financial lives, and a strong voice for citizens in our democracy.

These aren’t controversial ideas. They won’t bankrupt our economy. On the contrary: they’re the hallmarks of a great country. We stand up for them, year in and year out, in courtrooms, corporate boardrooms, in City Halls, the state capitol, and in Washington, D.C.

How well we meet these challenges will decide whether the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau stays strong or exists at all … whether more companies agree to get antibiotics out of our food supply … and whether less of America’s most popular herbicide, Roundup, shows up in our land, water and food.

It’s a big challenge, but we also want to transcend the partisan divide on these issues and build an even stronger majority to defend the public interest at every level — in our communities, in the states, and in Washington, D.C. And we realize that will only happen if more people at every level demand it.

That’s why we’re looking to hire for the U.S. PIRG Fellowship, Digital Campaigner position, and more.

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