2021 Michigan India Conference CK Prahalad Grand Challenge

The Grand Challenge is a global competition and anyone interested can register. The goal of this challenge is to incorporate innovation and business to alleviate inequities in the world and improve the welfare of individuals through positive business. Student teams must register and submit their final submissions by Friday, February 12th at 11:59 PM EST.

Each year, over 80 teams from all over the world participate and finalists are given the opportunity to present their ideas to prominent individuals in the business world as well as members of C.K. Prahalad’s family, one of the world’s most influential business thinkers and the founder of the “base of the pyramid” concept.

The base of the pyramid ideology explores the potential businesses hold to pursue sustainable growth and alleviate poverty. This year, the focus of the challenge is on ensuring global vaccination in an equitable, sustainable, and healthy way. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of individuals globally and many renowned scientists see herd immunity achieved through mass vaccination as the only means of mitigating this crisis. Teams are encouraged to think creatively and explore non-traditional tactics and business models that will allow for the most equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in collaboration with the Indian government. There is no limit to your business model and we are excited to see the ideas you set forth. With cash prices amounting to $8,000, we want to see the influence of positive business and the potential sustainable business models hold.

Please find the prompt in full detail and additional information on the competition below. Contact rgudeti@umich.edu with any questions.

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